IT'S UP TO YOU! Who is the best partner for your church? BGCT or SBTC?
Brochure comparing the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT)
with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention (SBTC)
Please print it, and distribute it as needed.
Copies - printed on durable glossy cardstock - are also available by mail;
just email [email protected], or call Bill Jones at 214-986-7136,
and request however many you need.
TBC Help for Pastor Search Committees packet
from the Baptist Standard of February 23, 2000:
a series of articles taking an in-depth look at documents criticizing the BGCT - circulated by the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention - and the person who prepared most of them, a Baptist layman from Missouri
from the Baptist Standard of August 27, 2001:
a series of articles providing advice for pastor search committees
from the BGCT Office of Communications:
a series of articles, collectively titled "For Your Information," stating the BGCT attitude toward specific issues & concerns